The Latinx Files (2021)

I Illustrated a small comic for the Los Angeles Times, Latinx Files Newsletter. I was asked to create a visual that connected to the Latinx identity. In honor of dia de muertos, I created a two panel comic highlighting the love and respect we carry for our ancestors and the manner in which that love is translated into the intention and detail we put into our ofendas.

The comic was published on October 21, 2021 and can be found under “Latinx Files: Another kind of border wall” by Fidel Martinez.

For my second illustration with the Los Angeles Times, Latinx Files Newsletter, I created an illustration highlighting the delicious holiday food celebrated across Latin America. Traditions are often left behind during migration. In many migrant communities, food is the one constant tradition we can carry anywhere we go. My intention behind the illustration was to highlight the food migrant Latinx communities carry and the new traditions we build with them.

The comic was published on November 25, 2021 and can be found under “Latinx Files: JP Brammer’s list of things to be thankful for on Sansgiving” by JP Brammer.