Gracias Jose Juan (2023)

Inspired by the book "Stickman: John Trudell" by Paola Iglori, gifted by my late cousin, 'Gracias José Juan' asks viewers to rethink their understanding of power. Trudell reframes power as being rooted in our connection to the land; he states that we can magnify that power by building community. Using visuals of my homelands of Durango and Central Mexico, the mural reminds us that when we tend to the land, it takes care of us and gifts us food, a tool we can use to build community. Sharing food is an intimate experience through which we create space to share stories, teachings, and identities, through which we can dream, 'Gracias Jose Juan' comes full circle in its description as a thank you to my cousin for all the teachings and conversations we shared over food, for the groundwork they laid and the path they sent me on, without which I would not be here.

Gracias Jose Juan was exhibited at MACLA in San Jose, CA throughout Summer 2023.